Vedic astrology forecasts life events and changes through detailed analysis of your birth chart, focusing on planetary placements, transits, and Dashas (planetary periods). Each planet’s position in your chart influences specific aspects of life—Jupiter relates to growth and wisdom, while Saturn governs discipline and challenges. Based on the exact time and place of birth, your birth chart is created, which includes 12 houses. These houses, combined with planetary Dashas, allow astrologers to forecast periods of prosperity, challenges, or significant changes.

Planetary transits (ongoing movements) provide additional insight, as they interact with the planets in your birth chart, highlighting when life events may unfold. For instance, Saturn’s transit over the Moon, known as Sade Sati, is known to bring periods of personal growth, often through challenges. Vedic astrology offers guidance on timing for major decisions, from career changes to marriage, based on these planetary periods and transits.