In Vedic astrology, compatibility is more than just zodiac compatibility as it is assessed through a method known as Kundli matching, or Gun Milan, which compares the birth charts of two individuals to evaluate relationship harmony, emotional compatibility, and shared life goals. By analyzing the Moon signs, Nakshatras, and Ascendant positions, astrologers determine areas of resonance or potential conflict in emotional expression, values, and life paths. The Gun Milan system assigns a score based on 36 points (or Gunas), with higher scores indicating stronger compatibility.

Factors like mental connection, communication, and mutual respect are assessed through the Moon signs and their Nakshatras. Certain planetary positions, such as Venus and Mars, are examined for romantic compatibility, while Jupiter’s placement highlights shared values and spiritual alignment. The analysis of compatibility isn’t limited to romantic relationships but extends to friendships, family, and business partnerships, helping individuals understand their connections on a deeper level.