In Vedic astrology, time and place of birth are critical because even a small variation can shift the planetary positions in your birth chart, altering interpretations and predictions. The exact time determines the Ascendant, or Lagna, which marks the starting point of the 12-house chart, each house representing specific life areas like career, relationships, and health. Precise timing also affects the placement of the Moon in a Nakshatra (lunar mansion), which plays a crucial role in defining emotional tendencies, mental clarity, and inner strength.
Additionally, planetary Dashas (periods) are calculated based on the Moon’s position at the time of birth, providing insight into major life phases and timings of key events. The place of birth is equally important, as it determines the exact Ascendant due to geographical latitude and longitude differences. Without precise birth details, even small inaccuracies can shift predictions, impacting guidance on areas such as career changes, relationship dynamics, and health events.